
News articles by Michigan Open Carry, Inc. that may be of interest to its membership, open carriers, or gun owners.  Ideas for news articles can be submitted to our news editor, Dan Griffin.

The Gangbanger Protection Act of 2015

The circus returned to Lansing recently. The Gangbanger Protection Act of 2015 (Senate Bill 611) is an attack on everyone's fundamental human right to self-defense. This bill starts by repealing Michigan’s Self-Defense Act, which became law in 2006 with broad bipartisan support and was signed into law by then Governor Jennifer Granholm (D).  This bill would also repeal Castle Doctrine, which provides legal protections when defending oneself from a home invader. SB 611 would even make individuals who lawfully and reasonably defend their own lives or the lives of others, vulnerable to costly, damaging and often frivolous lawsuits.

The Case Against Senator Green’s SB 442 - Why SB 442 Is a Dangerous Sloppy Mess

It’s time to lay out why SB 442 is NOT the pro-gun bill some have made it out to be and why nearly every gun group at the state and national levels is opposing the bill. While the bill would allow Michigan CPL holders to concealed carry (CC) in the now Concealed Pistol Free Zones (CPFZs), what it gives in return, how the bill does this, and how the bill is being sold by its proponents are causing many to strongly object.

Gun Ownership: The 2013 Numbers Are In

In the July 2014 edition of the Michigan Open Carry Newsletter I presented a detailed analysis of private firearms ownership in the United States.  I estimated that, as of a year ago, conservatively we probably have well over 350 million guns in this country.  That prediction was based on my estimate of 15 million firearms being manufactured/imported/sold in the United States in 2013.

MOC-Backed Brandishing Bills take effect

Today, August 10th, MOC's definition for "Brandish" will go into effect, as well as the new exemption for those acting under the Michigan Self-Defense Act.

On May 13th, Governor Snyder signed HB 4160 and 4161. These two bills defined "Brandish" for the first time in Michigan and overhauled the exceptions to better suit the definition as well as add self-defense as a legal reason to brandish. Each bill contained a 90 day enactment clause.

And the 2013 BATFE Numbers Are In

In the July 2014 edition of the Michigan Open Carry Newsletter I presented a detailed analysis of private firearms ownership in the United States.  I estimated that, as of a year ago, conservatively we probably had well over 350 million guns in this country.  That number was based on my estimate of 15 million firearms being manufactured, imported, and sold in the United States in 2013.


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