
News articles by Michigan Open Carry, Inc. that may be of interest to its membership, open carriers, or gun owners.  Ideas for news articles can be submitted to our news editor, Dan Griffin.

MOC Secretary Resigns

Michigan Open Carry, Inc's secretary, Mike Perchard, has resigned.  Mike cites personal health reasons for his resignation.

It is with regret that I must inform you that I am resigning as Secretary of Michigan Open Carry. While I have done the best I could after assuming this role, I am sad to say that my own personal and health issues prevent me from continuing in this role


I hope that in time, with some resolution to my current situation, I may again be of use to MOC, even if it is only that as a local coordinator. I will, if the Board wishes, continue to do publish the bi-weekly updates as best I can.

Thank you for the privilege of serving such a very worthwhile and needed cause and organization.

Women (and Men): Who Is Responsible For Your Defense? Part 2

Last month I wrote about several cases where women were accosted and used a firearm to defend themselves against harm, even murder.  We have new video of what happens when people depend on others for their personal defense.  It doesn’t work.  Just a few days ago a woman was kidnapped on the streets of Philadelphia.  Fortunately the kidnapper wasn’t a MENSA member and committed some errors that enabled law enforcement to capture the criminal before he murdered his victim.

Huron Valley School Leaders Think Feelings Trump State Law On Guns

The Free Press yesterday had an article about Huron Valley schools and open carry.  In the article, Huron Valley Superintendent Baker is quoted as saying:

"I am grateful he went to the building administrator and told that principal what he planned on doing in advance," Baker said. "I've had multiple conversations with (the parent), he's talked with the building administrators, and he's been very forthright, in some regards very progressive, and I appreciate that. He didn't just show up unannounced. But that doesn't change the way I feel about the law."

Updated: Man Faces Brandishing Charge for Allegedly Displaying Gun

Today we received the following email:

I am currently fighting a Livonia Ticket for alleging I "Brandished" my Glock 19 in a Meijers [sic] Store located in Livonia, MI.

My Firearm was concealed under a safari vest and holstered to my body. During a conversation with the Store Manager with my spouse over a problem he saw my firearm and someone called the police. We left the store without incident after paying for our groceries.

We were surrounded by 6 police cars, I was handcuffed and thrown into a police car with no indication as to why....I was give a ticket for brandishing.

The Rahinsky Renege Confirmed (Grand Rapids Police Chief)

The Rahinsky Renege has been confirmed.

Perhaps you recently read about the Grand Rapids Police Chief seemingly going back on his offer to meet with local representatives for Michigan's gun groups. Well, after a few days of your calling and emailing, the Chief has officially responded, through his secretary. One of our members recently received the following from her:

The Rahinsky Renege

Contact Chief Rahinsky today and tell him to live up to his word and meet with local representatives for Michigan's gun groups like he said he would!

About a month ago, the new Grand Rapids police chief, Chief Rahinsky, made a few ignorant comments about Open Carry. Immediately following the news, a citizen contacted the Chief to express his displeasure. To his credit, the Chief quickly contacted the citizen and a pleasant conversation ensued. The citizen reported to us that during the conversation, the Chief said his comments were out of context and made an offer to meet with members of the gun groups to find common ground.


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