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News articles by Michigan Open Carry, Inc. that may be of interest to its membership, open carriers, or gun owners.  Ideas for news articles can be submitted to our news editor, Dan Griffin.

Why MOC opposes PFZ Exemptions for Special Classes

Recently, someone posted the following to our Facebook Page:

You really let me down with the email that was sent to me. I am a state corrections sergeant, and we have been trying for a while for this exemption. But I also agree that their should be no PFZ's, but I also think that LE and Corrections should hold a little more weight than your average citizen. I am sure that we have more training in use of force than most citizens. Also I would like to add that even with the exemption, it would not stop me in helping in your cause to abolish PFZ's.

Here is my response:

Brandishing Bills Reintroduced

Pro-Gun Brandishing Definition Bills, which were vetoed last month for technical reasons have been reintroduced in the new legislature as HB 4160 and HB 4161.

Open Letter On SB 53 To Senate Judiciary Committee

Dear Honorable Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee,

I am writing to you today to ask that you NOT recommend SB 53. SB 53 will create yet another special group of people that will have more rights than everyone else.

Michigan is an open carry state... but only if you are white.

Content warning: Parts of this article contain words that may offend some readers.  Please continue reading, with that understanding.

Michigan is routinely classified as an open carry state; however, it's  discretionary if you are not white. If you are not white and the police officer (Detroit Police Officer James Taylor in this case) decides that non whites shouldn't have guns, then you get arrested for concealed carry and the prosecutor and judge can play along and even bar the attorney's from mentioning that open carry is legal during the trial.

No, this case was not argued in the Central Court of North Korea in Pyongyang, this case was argued in Detroit, Michigan. Although it is hard to tell the difference after hearing about this case.

Fortunately,  two attorney's came to the victim's defense. Here is the synopsis from one of the attorneys.

We Report, You Decide (Using Faulty Facts That We Reported)

We Report, You Decide (Using Faulty Facts That We Reported)

By Dan Griffin

I have long had a bone to pick with some reporters and journalists.  It seems many nowadays are simply content to let any person, including public officials, say anything they want without challenging them or even investigating their claims to see if they are true.  It doesn’t matter if it’s the local newspaper or the local or national television news, it seems they all do it, although local news organizations seem particularly egregious.  One of the hardest topics to get right is anything to do with firearms.

Why Michigan is the most recognized carry license in the U.S.

Michigan CPL holders have the unique benefit of not permit matching (obtaining licenses from other state in order to add to the reciprocity/recognition list). A Michigan CPL is valid in every state that recognizes a carry license. The only places it isn't valid in is in states that do not recognize out of state licenses. There is no magic formula to gaining reciprocity for the most part. It helped that Jennifer Granholm and Mike Cox were two Attorney Generals who aggressively sought signed reciprocity agreements with states that required such agreements for recognition.

To simplify this, this is largely due to the following three reasons.

Criminally Disqualified for a CPL? Become a cop!

Are you criminally disqualified from obtaining a Concealed Pistol License? Have you considered becoming a Michigan police officer?

Brandishing Bills Vetoed

Michigan Open Carry, Inc's attempt to define what it means to "brandish" in Michigan has resulted in a veto from Governor Snyder, though the situation is complicated and not as bad as it sounds. Read on for the full story.

Jason Gillman joins MOC Treasury Team

Jason Gillman (our present IT Director) has agreed to step up and help with the book-keeping and accounting of our organization's finance.

MOC's NE Regional Coordinator Reg Carr Leaving, Interim NW Coordinator Andy Marek Appointed.

Yesterday we were informed that Reg Carr, our NE Regional Coordinator, will be resigning from his possition and moving to another state in the coming weeks. While we've known that this was likely to happen at some point, we are still saddened to see him go. Reg has done a wonderful job promoting Open Carry and MOC in northern Michigan to an extent we haven't seen in years.


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